A podcast about overcoming challenges surrounding fatherhood. The show features everyday challenges dads face, with relatable ways to overcome them and a little comedy thrown in. Guests on the show range from regular dads like you who share their stories and how they became more vital fathers. There is something to take away from every episode from adoptions, mental health, being new fathers, and more. We want to see you thrive as a dad. We want you to cut those toxic family legacies that no longer serve you so that you can succeed for your families. It‘s time to take hold of the challenges we face and grow with our children. Let‘s Rethink Fatherhood!

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
You’re Not Going to Love your Kids All the Same with Pat Davy
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Today on the Fearless Fathers Podcast, Dave-O sits down with the father of 2 and personal trainer, Pat Davy. Pat hails from the land of cheese, (no not France, that would be cool) Wisconsin. Pat hosts a Podcast with his daughter, Alora “Beast Mode Kids” which focuses on bridging the gap of communication between parents and their preteens/teens. BMK began as a way for Pat and Alora to grow closer.
But we aren’t talking all BMK today. Pat agreed to sit down with us and talk about how he became Alora’s dad. See, Pat had all intentions of being in the stepdad role, but when Alora was six, he adopted her as his own. We go in-depth with Pat’s thoughts, feelings, and fears as he stepped from being content with being a stepdad to being a loving, true dad.
Three things we hope you take away from today’s episode.
- When stepping into the parent role from the outside, be receptive, and communicate with your spouse.
- Fear has a way to control us but uses it to grow. Don’t be afraid to fail.
- No matter if you adopted your child, are a stepparent, or have your natural children, you will never love your kids all the same way.
Be sure to check out “Beast Mode Kids Podcast” wherever you can find podcasts. You can find the Apple link here and Spotify here.
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Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Today on the show, we’re talking about you and your little ones' first day of school. It can be an amazing, and difficult time for both parents and kids. This being the first time that you hope and pray everything you taught your kid will help them and putting your trust into a stranger to guide and grow your child. Both Ryan and Dave give their take on it, Ryan getting ready to send his kid off to school within the next year or so, and Dave-O a bit ways away yet. The emotions you feel when your little one just doesn’t want to let go are perfectly normal, and we all feel them one way or another.
We use two great pieces in the episode. The first one being a dad’s thoughts as he sends his little girl to school for the first time, and a video of a dad that interviewed his daughter each year about her first day of school, up to her senior year.
Be the first for contests, offers, and stay up to date with us by joining our email list. By signing up today, you'll get our 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.
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Monday Nov 23, 2020
The Moral and Ethical Dilemma of Human Enhancement
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Today on the show, We use the Netflix documentary "Un-natural Selection" as a jumping point into our topic. The moral and ethical dilemma of human genetic enhancement.
This episode is truly meant to get you thinking way outside the box of traditional thinking and question things that are going on in our world today. As a father, we strive to give a world for our kids where they can thrive. By taking the steps today, we can help change the world.
Be the first for contests, offers, and stay up to date with us by joining our email list. By signing up today, you'll get our 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.
Be sure to check out our shop and grab yourself something fearless.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
The Dad Dilemma - The Stigma of Social Media as A Father
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
After our week away (Which we'll discuss a bit today), we are back and running today on the podcast. We're talking about the stigma of social media and device use as a father.
Recently, Dave and Ryan watched "The Social Dilemma" documentary on Netflix. The doc interviews former top social media execs and how the business model of social media turned humans into digital zombies. It goes in-depth on ad campaigns, fake news, mental health, and psychology that keeps us mindlessly scrolling and looking for attention. That's where this idea for today's episode stemmed from. Highly recommend watching it.
It's up to us as fathers to understand and know within ourselves. Our kids are always watching us, learning what we do to form their own habits. We know our screens take us away, and social media keeps us sucked in, but feel like we just can't fully break away. Keep listening today, and take these takeaways.
1. Having just will power to break away may not be enough. Realize yourself and take small micro-steps.
2. Internet Junk Food is delicious and we want more, but it's not the best thing for you.
3. Learn to not see yourself as the smartest person in the room. Be willing to hear someone else's beliefs.
Come join us, stay up to date with us by joining our email list and get 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Ryan Rants About Healthcare and The Election
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
While we wait for Dave to come back to us. Here is a quick rant about my thoughts on healthcare and things you should be looking out for as a father.

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Quick Update and Voting Safety PSA
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Hi guys! This is just the update about what is going on. Thank you again for your patience.

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Don't Forget the Dads with Patrick DeFors (Dad Loves Coffee)
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Dave sits down with the author of the parenting blog "Dad Loves Coffee", Patrick Defors. About 2 years ago, Patrick and his wife made the decision for him to leave his 9-5 and become a Stay at Home Dad. Patrick, like most stay at home dads, felt the same "Karen" eyes on him as he was raising his two wonderful children.
Dads do not "watch their children". They nurture, foster, and grow. Building foundations and making the house whole. Take these points home with you today.
1. Being a Stay at home dad is a full-time gig. You aren't there to just "watch" your children. You're the dad, not a babysitter.
2. Go with the flow. Let your children learn, be there when they fall, learn with them.
3. Get to their level. You're kids learn from you. By matching emotion, you're teaching your child to act in such a way.
Be sure to check out Patrick's blog "Dad Loves Coffee." America may run on Dunkin, but dad runs on coffee. (That works, right? We'll go with it)
You can find him at www.dadlovescoffee.com
A great quote from his first blog post "Don't Forget About Dads"
" I know my title may not be the norm and that Moms deserve every bit of praise and respect, but please don’t forget about Dad."

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Fearless Fathers Twitch Live Stream - Replay
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Today, we're diving into our live stream from October 22nd from Twitch. This was a great first time on live and a way to interact with our listeners. We talked a lot about the beginnings of the show, where we are going, and the outpouring we have received since we started this journey six months ago.
We hope you enjoy the unedited, raw feeling in this episode, and starting with Thursday's interview, we'll be going back to a more clean sounded show.
We are participating in Movember. More details coming, so check out our Instagram page for more. You can follow us on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Follow us on Twitch! We'll be streaming games, chatting up, and having a great time to engage with you there. You can find us at http://www.twitch.tv/fearlessfathers

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Stepping Towards Being A Step-Dad (with the REAL Dave and Ryan)
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
This episode's audio is unedited. Due to a rough week for both hosts, you are getting uncut audio including umm and ahhs. We hope you gain value out of this episode, and appreciate the authenticity of this episode.
Today on the show, Dave and Ryan are building upon the "nontraditional families" episode with the stigma of being a step-dad.
Coming into a new parenting role with children having established roots can be an extremely challenging time for both you and the children. We hope that today's episode gives you the tools to excel in being the step-dad.
Take away these 3 points.
1. Communication is massive when you enter a new family.
2. Although the stigma of being a step-parent is real, so many people have had step-parents
3. Working to nurture, grow and excel the children with new ideals/experiences is a great tool!
We are live streaming this week! Join us on TWITCH OCTOBER 22ND, 2020 AT 8:30 PM EST. You can subscribe and follow our Twitch here.
Come join us, stay up to date with us by joining our email list and get 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Our Future can Blind Where We’re Going with Stephen Voehl
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Today on the show, Dave-O sits down with Stephen Voehl. Stephen is the father of one and working on becoming a Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) Coach.
Stephen traveled around the world in his younger years and worked many jobs from Janitor to director of a multinational company. Dave and Steve sit down and talk about mindset, and understanding your true self.
Three things you need to take away are
1. Have a solid foundation in your life. Know that true North Star.
2. When our fight or flight response kicks in, we need to sit back and evaluate.
3. Our future can blind where it is we are going in life.
If you want to chat with Steve or learn more about what he does, you can find him on Instagram or email @ svoehl@gmail.com.
We're doing our first live show on October 22nd at 8:30 PM EST to celebrate six months!
Be sure to check out www.fearlessfathers.net.
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