A podcast about overcoming challenges surrounding fatherhood. The show features everyday challenges dads face, with relatable ways to overcome them and a little comedy thrown in. Guests on the show range from regular dads like you who share their stories and how they became more vital fathers. There is something to take away from every episode from adoptions, mental health, being new fathers, and more. We want to see you thrive as a dad. We want you to cut those toxic family legacies that no longer serve you so that you can succeed for your families. It‘s time to take hold of the challenges we face and grow with our children. Let‘s Rethink Fatherhood!

Monday May 25, 2020
A Fearless Father Story
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Today we share the story of one of our listeners! Becoming a Fearless Father is getting uncomfortable and doing things that will be outside of how you operation. "John" was kind enough to allow us to share his story with our fathers!
This is what it means to EMBRACE THE FEAR!
If you like what we do, please take a moment to join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fearlessfathers
Be sure to check out our teespring shop: www.teespring.com/stores/fearlessfathers
Share your stories, tell us how you are becoming fearless. Email us at fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com

Thursday May 21, 2020
Dads Feeling Trapped
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Today, we dig into that uncomfortable feeling we as new fathers have. The never ending struggle of feeling trapped. That feeling of moving one step forward, two steps back. Your career, your home, finances, they all hold tight onto us. So tune in today on what we have to say about this.
Article used today as reference:
Pressures on modern dads: https://www.familyeducation.com/family-life/unique-pressures-21st-century-dad
Have a topic suggestion for the show? email us at fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com and let us know what you'd love to hear.
Want to support us? check out our teespring store at https://teespring.com/stores/fearlessfathers
Check out our NEW PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/join/Fearlessfathers
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast

Monday May 18, 2020
The Baby Effect - What is it?!
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Today's topic has no one official definition. We discuss what "The Baby Effect" is to us. That moment when your little one is born, and the "Oh crap" and motivation come up that tells you its time to start that business you always wanted to.
On the reverse of that coin, its also that downed feeling we get when we see our lives are changing. We see our social lives diminish, and things we once did, now go to back.
Sit back, and hear what Dave and Ryan are saying. Take it in, reflect on your own thoughts and how this is relating to your situation today.
Change happens one day at a time, together, we become fearless!
Articles used for today's episode:
The Baby Effect: https://www.eofire.com/baby-effect/
The Baby Effect: Are you ready?: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/meet-catch-and-keep/201605/the-baby-effect-are-you-ready
Have a topic suggestion for the show? email us at fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com and let us know what you'd love to hear.
Want to support us? check out our teespring store at https://teespring.com/stores/fearlessfathers
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Check out our teespring shop at www.teespring.com/stores/fearlessfathers for some great FF apparel.

Thursday May 14, 2020
Tales of the People Podcast Interview with Dave-O
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Dave sits down with the host of the Tales of the Peoples Podcast, a new podcast where they dig into people's experiences and life and why they got to where they are today.
Sit back and get to know more about Dave's time in the Army, why and how he started Fearless Fathers, and other fun stuff.
You can find "Tales of the People Podcast" on:
anchor https://anchor.fm/sanjiv6
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5Lw3yuT7vzbVqqC3DHA5ci

Monday May 11, 2020
Changes that Can Happen in your Relationship
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
The birth of your child is here. You get home from the hospital, with your bundle and your spouse and the parenting challenges set in. You're relationship with your partner is CRUCIAL in being the best father you know you can be.
Today, were hitting those changes we can face as a father. Missing date nights, your parenting styles, communication and MORE! You feel trapped and locked in this cage. What you don't see is the breathtaking scenes in front of you. Dave and Ryan hit their stories, article from healthline, and ways to ease those changes you and significant other are facing.
Be sure to check out our store at www.teespring.com/stores/fearlessfathers
like us on Facebook and Instagram www.facebook.com/fearlessfatherspodcast www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
let us know what you think. Share your story of how you became a fearless father @ fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com. If your not comfortable, we won't share your name. We love to hear from you, our listeners.
Together, we will become fearless!

Thursday May 07, 2020
Money Challenges
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
The most anxiety ridden thing we think about! Whether you're a father, soon to be, or just as a person. It runs us, it fears us, it ultimately controls us! Dave-O and Ryan are going in to the numbers of money, what it takes to raise a kid, and MAYBE just some help to combat those anxiety ridden fears of money and start taking control of it.

Monday May 04, 2020
How Toxic Relationships Can Affect your New Family
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Dave and Ryan are talking about Toxic Relationships in your life. We go in on how these seemingly "passive aggressive" people can be bigger than you might even realize.
You may know the people that are toxic in your life, and feel like you just can't distance yourself from them. It's a common thing. Those close to us, we don't want to just "cut them out". BUT, as a new father, it's your new family that comes first. Doing what is right for those you are responsible for now.
You're going to get more stories, more tips and a knowing of what to look out for and ways to distance yourself from those types of people.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Importance of Parental Leave
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
On today's episode, the Fathers talk about Parental Leave. Not just when your child is born, but taking that time from the grind to enjoy time with your family on a practicle basis.
Hear what happened with Ryan and Dave after their sons were born, what they did afterwards, and some motivation to get you fearless. Together we will EMBRACE THE FEAR
Be sure to check out the Fearless Fathers store at www.teespring.com/fearless-fathers-podcast
Be sure to like us at https://www.facebook.com/FearlessFathersPodcast/ and be sure to check out our Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast/ for more motivation.
Let us know what you thought about the episode @ fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com subject "Parental Leave", and let us know what other topics you would want to hear!
Share your stories, how it is YOU became FEARLESS! We love to hear them!
Just like your children, we learn and grow everyday. Together, we will Embrace the Fear.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Mindset Shift: Imposter Syndrome
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Dave-O solo's the mic in today's episode, to discuss "Imposter Syndrome". You know, that little voice in the back of your head that tells you you aren't good enough to be a father? Yeah. He's talking that. Dave discusses 2 of the 5 "Imposters" out there, and shares more of his past with you and how that imposter had a strangle hold on him. You'll know when you're falling into that trap, and what you can do to combat that imposter and become more positive father.
This is our first MINDSET SHIFT episode, geared to get you thinking about that little voice always trying to put you down, and ways new fathers struggle with it everyday.
Changing your thought process, changes your world. It doesn't happen overnight, it happens within time. This is the jumping point to get you to make those incremental changes in your thought process to become a Fearless Father.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Postpartum Depression in Men
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
On the second episode of Fearless Fathers, Dave-O and Ryan discuss Postpartum Depression in men! It's real, it's there, its classified as a "generalized anxiety" for most, so it gets missed. We talk the signs and symptoms, realizing its there, and how to help combat those feelings if you are a dad that feels like they already have it, or a soon to be father wanting to attack any possibility head on before it happens!
Dave-O digs deeps and shares his story. Postpartum was there, and he didn't even KNOW IT.
If you like what we're doing, please follow us for new episodes each Monday and Thursday, follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ Fearless Fathers Podcast.
Check out our teespring store @ https://teespring.com/shop/fearless-fathers-podcast
Drop a line @ fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com let us know what you would like to hear, share your stories, say hi, whatever. We love to hear from you.
Just like your kids, we grow everyday, and together we will become fearless!