A podcast about overcoming challenges surrounding fatherhood. The show features everyday challenges dads face, with relatable ways to overcome them and a little comedy thrown in. Guests on the show range from regular dads like you who share their stories and how they became more vital fathers. There is something to take away from every episode from adoptions, mental health, being new fathers, and more. We want to see you thrive as a dad. We want you to cut those toxic family legacies that no longer serve you so that you can succeed for your families. It‘s time to take hold of the challenges we face and grow with our children. Let‘s Rethink Fatherhood!

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Enjoying the Ride with Brendan Hickey
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Dave-O had the pleasure of talking with a brother from "Oh Canada", Mr. Brendan Hickey. Brendan is a father of two and hosts the "Not Your Normal Hickey Podcast" with his oldest son, Mayson.
Brendan gives the dads out there some great takeaways in today's interview: 1) Throw the parenting books out the window, you'll succeed with your instinct. 2) Surround yourself with people you can trust when times get tough. 3) Enjoy those little moments now, they'll have a massive impact in the future.
Be sure to check out the "Not Your Normal Hickey Podcast", and follow them below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Not-Your-Normal-Hickey-109416154047301
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/notyournormalhickeypodcast/
Email: notyournormalhickey@gmail.com
Support the Fearless Fathers Podcast any way you can. Check out our Store, Patreon, Social Media, and subscribe to our Fearless Family email list, and get a special thank you for joining. You can find all of them, in our linktree:

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Introducing your Kids to Pets
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
The Fearless Fathers are going a bit off the cuff today from what they normally do. This is something that isn't widely talked about but happens quite often. This quick episode is to get you thinking about when you introduce your kids to animals.
Parents with pets in the home, introduce their kids early, and most times, the pet is SUPER PROTECTIVE of your little one. What happens when you visit someone with an animal who may not be familiar with your little one?
That's why we feel this topic is so overlooked, but super important. Before your little one, dog, cat, ferret? get hurt, take these 3 points home with you.
1. Introduce your children to pets as early as you can. 2. Be mindful, but not to where you need to be overly cautious. 3. Have an idea in place.
Be sure to like and subscribe. Support us anyway you can. You can find all our major links here: www.lintr.ee/ffpod

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Fearless Father: Ethan Shean
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Today, Dave-O sits down and talks to Ethan Shean, Chief Retail Officer of Strawberry Cannabis, based out of Colorado. A good friend of his, who moved halfway around the country to follow his passions and live his best life with his family. What he didn't see, was how his family didn't make it there with him.
Ethan drops a TON of value in today's episode.
Three takeaways for today: 1. Be there for your child, even if you're halfway across the country. 2. Don't put your children in the middle of you and your significant others battles. 3. When it comes to your passions, go out and get in the white van even if it feels sketchy.
Be sure to follow our community!
Find our Patreon, Store and Social media and more here: www.linktr.ee/ffpod

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Childcare Costs and You
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Your child is home safe, and your basking in the excitement. You don't want this moment to ever go away. The reality now has to set in. The time has now come for both of you to go back to work. You have to decide what's going to be the best route to make sure your child is safe and taken care of. Sometimes it's a family member, you both work opposite shifts, or the dreaded shelling out upwards of $2000 for a center to care for them.
You feel like you're being taxed just for starting a family.
Dave-O and Ryan both have differing views on how they attacked this complex issue. Taking a positive approach to something so negative seems impossible.
There is no right or wrong answer to attacking child care. Let's start looking at childcare in a new light.
Join us today, as we embrace the ungodly fear of childcare.
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It's not about being a fearful father, it's about being a fearless father!

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Embracing the Fear with James Wallen
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Join us today, as we sit down with a Fearless Father, James Wallen.
James is a Disabled Navy Veteran, Network Engineer, works part time in a pizza shop, Father of three, and hosts "The Yesteryear Podcast", a classic movie review podcast with his oldest daughter, Beth.
Dave and James sit down and talk about what makes James a Fearless Father. We talk about how his mindset is with having three kids, what he considers his biggest failure, and sooooooooo much more! Throwing some MASSIVE VALUE your way so take notes and soak it in. You're going to become FEARLESS after this one!
Phone number: 540-404-1133
Twitter @ twitter.com/YesteryearPcast
Instagram @ instagram.com/yesteryearpodcast/
Facebook Page @ facebook.com/yesteryearpodcast/
Facebook Group @ Truffleshufflers - Secret question is host's name: James & Beth
Website @ https://Yesteryearpodcast.buzzsprout.com
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Help in growing our FEARLESS FATHERS. Anything to help us GROW THE MOVEMENT.
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Don't be a Fearful Father, be a FEARLESS FATHER

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Cursing: What the F&$K?!
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Cursing AROUND your child? Good or bad? Always a tough decision. For most of us, it slips. We realize we say it, and damn if we don't try our hardest NOT to curse around our kids. Join us in this VERY NSFW episode as we talk about the difference between cursing around your kid and AT YOUR KID. (don't do that).
Listen to how Ryan almost broke down in the fetal position with his AMAZING story (Ok, he didn't really almost crawl into the fetal position, but Dave-O gets to type these up, so we can say he did). How Dave grew up with cursing around him, and Ryan, not so much. This one is set to be a F^5#ING great episode
Join our Fearless Community!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Help in growing our FEARLESS FATHERS. Anything to help us GROW THE MOVEMENT.
Support the Movement on Patreon: www.patreon.com/join/fearlessfathers
Just because you're a father, doesn't mean you can't grow. One step at a time, one day at a time, we will become FEARLESS!

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Part 2: Generalized Depression
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Welcome to Part 2 of our Generalized series. Today, we're talking Depression. Depression seems to run side by side with anxiety, which is why this is HUGE to talk about.
Don't wait until it's too late to talk about your depression. Just because you feel like you shouldn't be depressed, doesn't mean it CAN'T HAPPEN.
Together, we'll EMBRACE THE FEAR
Today's Reference: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190307091448.htm
Join our community! Follow us:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Support us ANYWAY you can! Help in growing the MOVEMENT of being a FEARLESS FATHER!
Check out our Patreon: www.patreon.com/join/fearlessfathers

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Generalized Series Part 1: Anxiety
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Welcome to Part 1 of our "Generalized Series"
Today, were talking Anxiety. We've touched on this before, and going to hit a few more points. Get you thinking about shifting what makes you anxious and overcoming it.
All of us deal with Anxiety in one way or another. But how we notice and combat that anxiety is what makes us fearless! So sit back, take notes, take it in, and begin to EMBRACE THE FEAR!
Today's Reference: https://globalnews.ca/news/5730409/new-dad-fatherhood-mental-health/
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) FREE 24/365 HOTLINE: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Join our Fearless Community!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fearlessfatherspodcast
Help in growing our FEARLESS FATHERS. Anything to help us GROW THE MOVEMENT.
Support the Movement on Patreon: www.patreon.com/join/fearlessfathers
Just because you're a father, doesn't mean you can't grow. One step at a time, one day at a time, we will become FEARLESS!

Monday Jun 01, 2020
Family Vacation: When is it the right time?
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Today Dave-O and Ryan talk about family vacations, and when is it the right time to take one? We talk mainly about Disney vacations, and how old is the right time to start "making memories".
Three takeaways you don't want to miss: 1. You only have "10 solid years of vacations with your children" 2. Social media can really play games with vacations. 3. Go out and just make memories, even if it's just a day trip.
The Fearless Fathers Dropped A course!
That's right, we teamed up with the awesome people over at listenable.io and released our FIRST COURSE! "The New Father's Survival Guide: Breaking the Stigma of New Fatherhood". Be some of the first to listen and learn the top things Dave and Ryan found to be the hardest-hitting stigmas we faced as new dads, and how we overcome those to be Fearless Fathers.
You can listen to the course FOR FREE, by signing up here and getting 14 days free on listenable.io.
Want to know the secrets we use to embrace the fog of fatherhood? Have you felt like there is one piece missing to being a stronger man? Get our Five Tips To Becoming A Fearless Father For Free! Head over to: https://mailchi.mp/c60365a67670/harnessthepower today and start harnessing the power.
Become a part of a growing community of dads fighting their mindsets and becoming True Fearless Fathers! Head over to www.facebook.com/groups/fatherspodcast today.

Thursday May 28, 2020
Interview Time! Mindset Shift with TJ French
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Welcome to another "Mindset Shift" Episode. This is our first ever interview, and Dave-O solos the mic with TJ French. TJ and Dave go way back, and share similar stories.
Although TJ is not a father, what he has to say today about getting your mind right and the power of a positive minsdset can do.
This episode is sure to IGNITE.
If you like what we do, please take a moment to support us on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fearlessfathers
Be sure to check out our teespring shop: www.teespring.com/stores/fearlessfathers
Share your stories, tell us how you are becoming fearless. Email us at fearlessfatherspodcast@gmail.com
If YOU would like to be a guest, and share your story, send us an email. We'd love to talk to you!