A podcast about overcoming challenges surrounding fatherhood. The show features everyday challenges dads face, with relatable ways to overcome them and a little comedy thrown in. Guests on the show range from regular dads like you who share their stories and how they became more vital fathers. There is something to take away from every episode from adoptions, mental health, being new fathers, and more. We want to see you thrive as a dad. We want you to cut those toxic family legacies that no longer serve you so that you can succeed for your families. It‘s time to take hold of the challenges we face and grow with our children. Let‘s Rethink Fatherhood!

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Being A New Dad isn't A Secret with Jake Edling
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Today's guest has a stutter, and at their request, a portion of that has not been edited.
Today, Dave talks with Jake Edling, Co-Owner of the "New Parent Secrets: Pregnancy to Potty Training Program". His and his wife's program is designed to help new parents from conception to the child starts potty training.
Jake agreed to sit down and talk about being an entrepreneur and the mindset that goes into that while raising his seven wonderful children.
Three things to walk away with at the end of the episode:
- Controlled discipline. Knowing your children are human and teaching them the tools to communicate and know they did wrong.
- Know that the failures you have had in life are the blocks to excel in your parenting goals.
- You can drown with the number of information available to new parents. Taking a breath, and build a roadmap to success.
You can find out more about Jake, and the "New Parent Secrets" Program by clicking the following links.

Monday Jan 04, 2021
2020 Gave Perfect Vision - Mindset Mastery
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Today, we discuss how 2020 gave us the tools as dads to excel further into 2021. What if all the strife, pain, and change we went through were set up for us to becoming stronger and better fathers?
Dave talks about what 2020 meant to him and how to start using what you went through to spring into 2021 as a much more Fearless Father.
Three points of today's episode.
- We gained perfect vision in 2020 to see our worth and self.
- What will 2021 bring you? Will you manifest fear, distance, and scarcity?
- Your audit will open up a world like never before.
Do you want to be a guest on the show? Do you have a story to tell or a stigma you defeated? Head over to www.fearlessfathers.net/guest today and let's talk.

Thursday Dec 31, 2020
New Year, Same Dad?
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Happy New Year to our Fearless Family! We want to wish all of our listeners and their families a happy, healthy, and dominating year as we head into 2021!
Today, we are talking about the infamous year that was 2020 and what it has meant to us. When we say "us", we mean dad, the man, the human that we all are. We are discussing how 2020 could actually be your jumping point to rebuilding yourself or dominate your goals.
Take these three pieces of gold with you into the new year.
- Use what was given to you in 2020, as a way to excel in your goals. Find the successes in what you perceive to be your failures.
- Have that strong support system. Whether it's one, or 20, have people and "family" that will complete your "Motivation Circle".
- Cut the word "resolution" from your vocabulary. Today marks the day of your New Year commitments.
Be sure to say hello! Drop us a line at hello@fearlessfathers.net.
Do you want to be a guest on the show? Do you have a story you would love to share with our family? head on over to the guest page today and see what's it all about. Read what some of our past guests have said, and drop us a line. We make it as simple and stress-free as possible for you.

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Do it With A Headache - Monday Motivation
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Today, as we begin to wrap up in 2020, we want you to start looking at the future. Doing things that will spring you further in your career, your life, for your family. For you.
When the world is great, and the stars are aligned, everything is easy. But when we have a headache, when things just aren't "quite right", we bargain with ourselves. When we start doing things when we feel ok or have that headache, we feel better. Better about who we are as dads, men, humans.
Today, Dave challenges you to go out there and start doing the things that are going to make you a Fearless Father when you have a headache. When the "man cold" isn't all that bad. We hope you start to see the shifts as we begin to close out in 2020.

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
A Fearless Holiday from the Fearless Fathers
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to our Fearless Family. We hope you and your family have a wonderful time this holiday season being together. 2020 brought us a lot of challenges, and a lot to think about in our own lives.
We just wanted to get together, have a little fun, and get you in the right mind leading up to the end of this crazy year.

Monday Dec 21, 2020
The Xmas Puppy Story A Ryan's Rant
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Ryan rants about bringing home a Christmas puppy and why that probably wasn't a great idea!

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Mindset Mastery: Altering the Family Legacy
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Today it's just you and Dave in a Mindset Mastery to altering your family legacy. This extends from Monday's episode, going more in-depth on the mindset of who we are, and getting more out of ourselves.
This is for those that know they are destined for more. To those who ever questioned if they could leave the space they're in, who knows they can give more, who knows they the key to success.
Be the first for contests, offers, and stay up to date with us by joining our email list. By signing up today, you'll get our 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.
Be sure to check out our shop and grab yourself some fearless fathers merch today!

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Altering the Family Legacy
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Today, we discuss the family legacy. No, not the Christmas Traditions. We're talking about the things you liked and didn't like growing in your family, the "status" you feel you're stuck in as a dad, the "right things" to do that your family did to be successful.
This is an extended episode, where Thursday, Dave goes into a "Mindset Mastery" on altering (not forgetting) your legacy and building upon what's going to serve you as a dad.
Be the first for contests, offers, and stay up to date with us by joining our email list. By signing up today, you'll get our 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.
Be sure to check out our shop and show how much of a fearless father you are.

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Thoughts with Dave-O: Tantrums
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Today is the first Thursday Thoughts episode. Just a quick, on Dave’s mind things to help relate to something or give some motivation.
Dave goes over a quick story that happened when his son was throwing a terrible two tantrum (say that three times fast). Instead of matching emotion, there are ways to help defuse a situation. We have to remember that our children are learning. They don’t understand, but we do. As dads, it’s easy to match the emotion and get angry.
Be the first for contests, offers, and stay up to date with us by joining our email list. By signing up today, you'll get our 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.
Be sure to check out our shop and grab yourself something fearless.

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Your Rock Bottom is A Spring Board - A Dave O Story
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
The holidays are here and they are the most wonderful time of the year. But they can also be one of the most stressful times. This year in general, it's brought a lot of change, doubt, fear, and uncertainty. As a newer dad, you want the best memories for your kid(s). Working any which way to bring a smile to their face. But what people don't see is the pain you have inside. The dark hallway you're walking in your mind trying to find a way out.
We all have our own rock bottom. Something that we feel we could never fall lower. But what if your "Rock Bottom" was your springboard to a better life? What if you had it in you to go and rise higher than you've ever seen? This episode is hoping to help in just that.
Dave shares what was his rock bottom, and how his lowest point, helped propel him higher than ever before. How he felt like he was the only one, how he thought no one would understand what he felt, how he felt useless.
Three things to take out of this episode:
1. We all have our rock bottom. It may be better than someone else's, but it's ours.
2. What if that spot you were in was the test to move you further than you've been?
3. Taking small steps will lead to a greater outcome. Taking a rebuilding year will be greater than you know.
*bonus* Your past never defines you. It helps turn you into who you need to be.
Be the first for contests, offers, and stay up to date with us by joining our email list. By signing up today, you'll get our 5 tips free for becoming a Fearless Father.
Be sure to check out our shop and grab yourself something fearless for the holidays.